Discover how the hackathons are progressing


After several months of EU Sparks for Climate competitions, we can now share some interesting insights of the first phase of the local hackathons and inform you about upcoming events.

We have already held local hackathons in 16 locations across 24 countries. 231 citizens and researchers collaborated in 57 teams to develop innovative solutions addressing the most pressing climate challenges faced by Europeans. So far, 20 teams have been selected as winners of the local hackathons and will compete in the European final next October.

Between late August and early September, we will host the remaining local hackathons in the following locations: Klagenfurt (Austria), Kassel (Germany), Krakow (Poland), Trondheim (Norway and Denmark), Rotterdam (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg), and Paris (France).

Meanwhile, the winning teams of the local hackathons will receive dedicated and specialised training to refine their solutions for the final. The training programme has been designed around 8 modules totalling 40 hours of masterclasses and guided practice with experts in entrepreneurship, communication, knowledge valorisation, sustainability, social impact and ethics, intellectual property rights, funding and investment, and project management. Many of the instructors are part of the expert network within the consortium companies implementing EU Sparks: EuroCrowd, ECSA, Energy Cities, and EURADA, as well as independent professionals with extensive experience in the chosen training subjects.

In addition, all teams will be accompanied by a dedicated tutor who will guide them through the entire programme to ensure they take full advantage of the benefits of the training and to identify any additional requirements within the team. Also, teams will receive dedicated coaching sessions with experts who will provide them with strategic advice and guidance for their solutions.

To learn more about the process and participate in the upcoming local hackathons, follow us on our social media channels and register now!