Bucharest Hackathon
20 – 22 June 2024

Schedule of the hackathon in local time in Bucharest

Local host
Executive Agency for Higher Education
The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) in Romania is leading the CapaCITIES network, a project comprising more that 60 partners from 15 European countries, all working at national level to advance the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission.

Breaking the vicious cycle of extreme climatic events and environmental degradation
Boosting recycling awareness and infrastructure
Addressing community food and resource waste
Mitigating the impact of heat and high temperatures on vulnerable populations
Addressing transportation and pollution challenges in Bucharest
Minimizing community waste
Addressing the plastic waste crisis in Malta
Mitigating air pollution from cruise ships, construction activities, and car emissions
Mitigating heatwave health risks in Malta
Embracing sustainable transportation for cleaner communities
Securing sustainable water solutions for Malta
Confronting the challenge of rising sea levels
Maria Neneciu
Maria is interested in how culture can build transformation capacity in urban transitions. She coordinated a series of design & community-driven creative projects and platforms for more than 15 years, such as Bucharest Creative District and RDW and currently she is an Advisor on New European Bauhaus.

Jury Members
Vera Marin
Recently selected Ashoka fellow for social innovation, Vera is dedicated to youth empowerment through built environment education. With more than 20 years of teaching experience in Ion Mincu University and of action research in ATU – Association for Urban Transition and 10 years in De-a Arhitectura.

Meet the winning teams from the local hackathons that will participate in the final!
Explore the innovative technological or social solutions that triumphed at each local hackathon, and discover more about the winning teams and their members.