Legal Notice
Identifying data
INNOVA NEXT, S.L.U. (hereinafter, “Barrabé”).
Registered office: Madrid (28.004), Paseo de Recoletos, 27, 2º.
CIF: B-86413689
Email: [email protected] Tel: 914 352 554
Registration: Business Registry of Madrid. Sheet M-534235. Volume 29689. Page 147.
Website copyright
All the intellectual property rights about the content on this webpage, its graphic designs and its source code belong exclusively to Barrabé applicable to the exclusive exercise of its exploitation rights. In that effect, any kind of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, full or partial, without the express authorization from Barrabé is absolutely prohibited. Moreover, every commercial name, brand or distinctive sign in any type of content on the website are also protected by the law.
Content in the website and links
Barrabé is not responsible of the improper use done with the contents of its website, the sole responsibility belongs to the person that accesses them and uses them. Moreover, the company doesn’t assume any kind of responsibility for the information present in the third-party websites that can be accessible through links or browsers from the webpage.
Update and modification of the webpage
Barrabé reserves the right to update, modify and/or eliminate the information contained on the website as well as its configuration or presentation at any moment’s notice unannounced and without assuming any kind of responsibility whatsoever.
Indications about technical aspects
Barrabé doesn’t assume any kind of responsibility that may derive from technical problems or failures in the computer equipment produced during the connection to the internet, nor does the company assume any kind of damage caused by third parties. The company shall also be released from any responsibility of the liquidated damages that the user may suffer because of mistakes, flaws or omissions in the information that Barrabé provides through the website.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The relationships established between Barrabé and the user will abide the disposed in the current Spanish legislation. Barrabé and the user, by specifically renouncing any other rights that they may be entitled to, will submit whatever contentions and/or litigations to the knowledge of the Legal Courts of the city of Madrid.