Winning teams: Week 5

20 – 22 June 2024

Heat Busters

Bucharest Hackathon

Members: Nick Vella Muskat, Musawar Ahmad, Berilsu Öner, Maja Silvestri, Elyne Kodjo and Fatih Özcan. 

Challenge: Malta’s heatwaves threaten the health and well-being of all residents, especially the most vulnerable. 

The solution: Solar oasis features an innovative agrivoltaics system combining raised solar panels with heat-absorbing plants, offering shade and potentially food crops, while fostering community engagement. 

Slogan: A cool breeze, a breath of hope.

Climate Risks’ Fighters

Bucharest Hackathon

Members: Larisa-Maria Geantă, Zapciu Robert Alexandru, Alessio Beșleagă, Ionescu Mihnea, Radu Angelescu, Ciobanu Andreea and Liliana Filip. 

Challenge: On a global level, national educational systems marginally address the topic of climate change in their curricula.  

The solution: Climate Fighters is an app designed to teach children (10-18 years old) about climate challenges and engage in the fight against them. 

Slogan: Change begins with you! 


Burgas Hackathon

Members: Valeria Pramatarova, Nia Obretenova and Sofia Sajko. 

Challenge: Unrecyclable plastic pollution – its burning and abandoning in nature; integration of sustainability and energy-efficiency in construction. 

The solution: Manufacture of non-recyclable plastic insulation blocks which we offer on our site, through which we provide instructions for correct installation and of the blocks as well as providing information and advice on maintenance and sustainability. 

Slogan: Breathing new life into Burgas with SUPEROSE! 

Pesticide Buster

Burgas Hackathon

Members: Alina Radu and Bintang Alam Semesta. 

Challenge: Studies find correlation between prenatal and postnatal pesticide exposure with heightened risk of leukaemia, neuroblastoma, and rare cancers. 

The solution: A rapid test paper device to identifying hazardous pesticides on (y)our food.

Slogan: Let us eliminate pesticides on our food.