Coimbra Hackathon

13-15 June 2024

Schedule of the hackathon in CEST time

Local host


CIM-RC is signatory of the EU Adaptation to Climate Change Mission and has been actively participating in the activities organised by the Mission and made efforts to create the necessary conditions to achieve climate change resilience by 2030. Currently, CIM-RC has an ongoing approved application for technical assistance under the MIP4Adapt on the topic of energy efficiency. CIM-RC also applied for the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, but only 3 cities in Portugal were selected (Lisbon, Porto and Guimarães). Nevertheless, from the approved Portuguese cities and regions that applied for this mission, a “NETWORK OF PORTUGUESE CITIES AND REGIONS AIMING FOR CLIMATE NEUTRALITY IN 2030” has created, of which the CIM-RC is a member, and which aims to support Portuguese cities and regions in their endeavours to achieve climate neutrality. In addition, CIM-RC will also apply for the next Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities call, in April 2024.


Cláudia Reis

PhD in Physical Geography. Researcher at the Zephyrus group (Centre of Geographical Studies), focusing on urban climate, climate change and heat mitigation strategies such as urban vegetation and ventilation. Several articles published on peer-review international journals.

Pedro Resende

Architect, co-founder and managing partner of Our Watch Leads – OWL. Known for getting things done. Is leveraging geospatial data and AI to help bring sustainability to construction and real estate.

Silvia Scozzafava

I am a passionate ecologist, working at the intersection between science, entrepreneurship and rural development. After a career as a conservation officer in natural reserves, I founded a startup and launched BlockCO2, a carbon removal credit system for rural areas.

Fabio Salvadori

For over twenty years, I have worked in the technology and digital field, creating innovative services and products in various sectors and earning a national innovation award. Since 2017, my focus shifted to human innovation. As a coach and mentor, I help people awaken their creative potential.

Jury Members

Tiago Neves

CEO of FiberSight, founded post-PhD at CERN and EPFL. FiberSight uses optical fibers for water applications like leak detection and optimizing agricultural water use. With a Physics Engineering master’s from Coimbra, he has 25+ scientific articles and 100+ citations.

Laura Basconi

Laura is daily committed to translate the scientific information related to ecology and climate change into a language familiar to the business sector. Everyday, Laura brings the skills she has acquired over a decade of study in Academia to the tables of the decision-makers.

Károly Matolcsy

Graduated as MSc Architect in 1981, honorary assisstant professor at TU Budapest since 2012. Construction background, testing, evaluation and issuing certification practice, deep experiences with more than 40 EU funded project, competition director of the Solar Decathlon Europe 2019, Szentendre

Alberto Anfossi

Degree and PhD in Theoretical Physics.After earning a Master’s Degree in Economics he worked supporting research groups in attracting/managing competitive funds at EU level.He also worked for the Italian National Agency for Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes and as Innovation Manager

Filippo Addarii

Filippo Addarii is a leading European expert in social impact finance and socio-economic transformation. Co-founder and CEO of PlusValue, he collaborated on social impact projects with leading institutions like the EC, the EIB, the British Cabinet Office, the UN, and various foundations.