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Citizens and researchers across Europe join forces to develop new solutions for climate.

To participate, simply propose a climate problem affecting your area, whether it’s small or large, and collaborate with others to find technological or social innovation solutions.

The Knowledge Valorisation Policy


Knowledge valorisation is the process of creating social and economic value from knowledge by linking different areas and sectors and transforming data, know-how and research results into sustainable products, services, solutions and knowledge-based policies that benefit society.

EU knowledge valorisation policy covers both technological and non-technological solutions that can derive benefits to the society as a whole. It calls for the participation of all actors in the research and innovation ecosystem including users, citizens and policy-makers.

EU Missions

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Adapting to climate change means taking action to prepare and adjust to the current effects of climate change and its predicted impacts in the future.

Despite all the continuing efforts to reduce emissions and to achieve carbon neutrality, a warmer climate can’t be avoided anymore, and we need to be better prepared to cope with its inevitable effects by adapting our way of living. We must step up action to cut emissions and to build our resilience.

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Cities are where many of us live, study, work, access healthcare and culture, and raise our families. They are also producing the bulk of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants that affect negatively our wellbeing and climate. This is why we need to achieve climate-neutral cities. What does this mean? It means keeping emissions so low that we leave hardly any impact on the environment.

Right now, 112 mission cities are racing to become climate-neutral by 2030 and inspire every city to do the same, and guess what? The citizens are the real heroes here, because for cities to achieve climate neutrality, we all need to step up and become climate-neutral citizens!

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Upcoming hackathons

Dates and geographic coverage

Klagenfurt Hackathon


29 – 31 August

Kassel Hackathon


29 – 31 August

Krakow Hackathon


29 – 31 August

Trondheim Hackathon

Norway and Denmark

5 – 7 September

Rotterdam Hackathon

Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg

5 – 7 September

Paris Hackathon


5 – 7 September

Take action as a citizen and work to solve a climate challenge that affects your community.

Work with researchers for new solutions in the first European Citizens Hackathon for Climate.

During the online competition, you will collaborate to create a technological or social innovation solution to benefit your community.

EU Sparks for Climate is an ongoing initiative, meaning that all information will be regularly updated as the competition progresses. Make sure to revisit this site periodically to stay informed!

Bring your knowledge as a researcher and team up with citizens to develop the solutions.

Participate and join forces with citizens in this competition to create innovative solutions.

By applying your background and research in climate change, you will contribute meaningfully to society while also enriching your own experience through citizen engagement.

Past hackathons

Dates and geographic coverage

Reykjavik Hackathon


22 – 25 May 2024

Zagreb Hackathon


22 – 25 May 2024

Athens Hackathon


30 May – 1 June 2024

Madrid Hackathon


30 May – 1 June 2024

Ankara Hackathon


6 – 8 June 2024

Tirana Hackathon

Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina

6 -8  June 2024

Vilnius Hackathon

(integrated in the Tirana Hackathon)

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

6 -8  June 2024

Cork-Louth Hackathon

(integrated in the Tirana Hackathon)


6 -8  June 2024

Uppsala Hackathon

Sweden and Finland

13 – 15 June 2024

Coimbra Hackathon


13 – 15 June 2024

Budapest Hackathon

(integrated in the Coimbra Hackathon)


13 – 15 June 2024

L’Aquila Hackathon

(integrated in the Coimbra Hackathon)


13 – 15 June 2024

Burgas Hackathon


20 – 22 June 2024

Bucharest Hackathon


20 – 22 June 2024

St. Julian Hackathon

(integrated in the Bucharest Hackathon)

Malta and Cyprus

20 – 22 June 2024

Ljubljana Hackathon

(integrated in the Bucharest Hackathon)

Slovenia and Czech republic

20 – 22 June 2024